The Triangle Holistic Center (THC) is the home of Energy Medicine Partnerships (EMP). Glad you are here!
THC offers a comfortable setting to relax, grow, heal & change. Centrally located it is convenient to experience balancing nature, healing sounds of falling water, in a home-like tranquil setting. The Center offers individual, couple, family therapy, a variety of holistic classes, private day retreat and cozy small organizational gatherings for day planning and retreat to refocus and get energized.
Appointments available on virtual through Zoom. To schedule contact Dr. Bulbrook at:
“The journey begins in your heart. Examine what is important to you.
Set your intention to be inspired to renew, replenish and refocus your life aligned with your heart space.
Then, share light and love from the knowledge you have to share, to all who come across your path. In doing so, you will be renewed, refreshed & refocused.“
Channeled by Dr. MJ Bulbrook 10.27.19
The vision is to combine the best theory, practices and research that exemplify combining Western Medicine with Complementary Integrative Health (CHI).
Healing through Light & Love
Take the opportunity to move forward with training in Complementary & Integrative Health (CIH) blending the best of Western and Eastern Models of Care and Caring.
Check out the CIH Certificate Training by Clicking Here
Certificate Training in Complementary & Integrative Health
Transform Your Life through Energy Medicine (TYLEM)
Practitioner / Specialist Training Updated 2022 Click here
Description of the TYLEM Training Program
Dr. Mary Jo Trapp Bulbrook, RN, CEMP/S/P/I is the founder and creator of Transform Your Life through Energy Medicine (TYLEM) based on her lifetime application of integrating Western & Eastern approaches to health and healing combining nursing, family therapy, psychotherapy with energy theory. She has formed heart-felt partnerships with indigenous healers in USA/Canada, Australia/ New Zealand, South Africa, Peru, Argentina. This includes combining worldwide Complementary Integrative Health (CHI) Practice, Education and Research throughout her career of 50+ years with honoring indigenous teachings.
As a clinical specialist in Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, Dr. Bulbrook has awakened the spiritual components aligned to spiritual teachings and well-being creating an awe-some approach to empowerment in those we serve to reach their highest potential.
Mary Jo was mentored by renown friend and colleague in the Virginia Satir Method of Family Therapy. Virginia’s Communication Model was combined with Energy Therapies illustrating the relationship to the force that connects us all individually and collectively.
The Triangle Holistic Center is the headquarters for The Gathering Place. On site is the headquarters for Akamai University and The Institute for Complementary and Alternative Medicine associated with the Global Healing Alliance and Dr. Bulbrook’s Energy Medicine Training Headquarters.
The Triangle Holistic Center offers a comfortable setting to relax, grow, heal and change. Centrally located, it is convenient to the airport, Raleigh, Durham and Chapel Hill. The center is a energetically designed for you to to experience natural healing sounds of falling water, in a home-like tranquil setting.
The Center offers individual, couple, family therapy, a variety of holistic classes, seminars, private day retreat and cozy small organizational gatherings on-line as well as in person. During the COCID 19 Pandemic the center for in person sessions is closed until further notice.
Call 1.919.724 9657 / to schedule an on-line appointment or see the web site events section.
The Gathering Place at the Triangle Holistic Center. Headquarters of Akamai University and The Institute for CAM Studies
Certificate Training in Integrative Health
Transform Your Life through Energy Medicine (TYLEM)
Practitioner / Specialist Training Updated 2022 Click here.
Transform Your Life through Energy Medicine (TYLEM)